Thursday, October 29, 2015

From Primer to Paint

After all the body work was done -- bondo, sanding hammering flattening, bondo, more sanding, more bodo, you get the idea -- I painted the whole car with white sealer. The sealer was added to make sure that the paint would show up well on the primered car and to lighten the base color so the paint came out right. I decided for an racy orange. One for visibility, the other, well, to look super cool! Now that the paint is cured I can start assembly on the car. I will be adding some racing stripes, too, when all is said and done. 

Painting Practice!



Sand. Prime. Dry. I spent a few days working on bodywork so that I could get it near to painting. 

First Drive!

After all the brakes were done and engine ran smooth. I took it out for a test drive. Super fun little car. Can't wait to get this thing painted. Time for bodywork!

I also need to put bushings in the sway bar. The rubber ones from the original completely rotted. And there is an issue with the timing because I am still using the original contact breaker.

I'm stalling since I am new to stick. Haha. 

This was my dad driving. He's much better that I am.

Master Cylinder and Vacuum Booster

Cleaning/rebuilding more parts. I bought various reproduction parts for all the rubber parts in both the master cylinder and the vacuum booster. Again, keeping organized parts laid out is a key to smooth re-assembly. 

Slave Cylinders

Brakes are probably the most important thing on a car. If you can't stop, then it's no go! I spent a long time cleaning these parts making the tip top for the road. You can see how much was on and in these assemblies. I cleaned a most of these parts using brake cleaner, sand blasting, and shear will. Making sure not to damage the brakes cylinders or the pistons. After they are cleaned it is really inspiring. 

NOTE: Keeping part organized is a great way of making sure you don't lose something. Plus, it's impressive when others see it. They think you're some kind of perfectionist when really your just paranoid.